Monday 1 July 2013

The Awesome day at Kelly tarltons !!!

Today we went to Kelly tarltons !!! It was so fun seeing different creatures that I haven't discovered before. The one that was so cool seeing was the stingray. It was really huge with a dark shadowed colour. It had a long tail and their was more than one there were 3. They were in a large tank group filled with medium sized fishes. They are really good swimmers under water.

The next thing that exploded my mind was the tunnel filled with sharks Ahh !!!! Sharks are the thing that really freaks me out ! The thing that really really blew my mind was the diver diving with the sharks taking pictures. The sharks have sharp and strong teeth to eat their prey. They like to eat plankton, squid, and small fish. There were also two paths one that moves around the tunnel and one you can walk on .

What an Awesome day discovering Kelly Tarltons !!!

Thanks Lucy for editing my work !


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